Committee on Whistleblowing
The national Committee on Whistleblowing investigates known or suspected malpractices, and issues recommendations to the Executive Board. Universities have chosen to cooperate in this appointment of committee members. They will appoint the same group of committee members for each university, enabling committee members to gain more knowledge and experience within the sector and allowing committees to operate in a similar way across the university sector. The composition of the committee may change for each report, depending on the nature and volume of expected reports. The members are independent of the Executive Board.
The Sectoral Regulation on Reporting Suspected Malpractice Dutch Universities contains further information on the precise procedure. The identity of the person filing a report will not be revealed without this person’s permission.
Chair | Mr. J.M. (Hans) Groot |
Vice-chair and member | Mr. J.P. (Jan) de Jong Drs. F.E. (Febe) Deug MMC |
Members |
Dr. L.M. (Laurens) Raijmakers |
Reporting malpractice
If you suspect a malpractice, please report this internally to your supervisor. If you would rather not report it directly, please contact the Confidential Counsellor on Malpractice. You can also report an issue of malpractice externally. For more information, please contact the Dutch Whistleblowers Authority.
Confidentiality guaranteed
The Committee on Whistleblowing and its Secretary are bound to confidentiality. All information is treated in the strictest confidence.
Reports can by send via email to
With the subject: Melding aan Commissie Misstanden