Student parties
Students can stand as candidates during university elections via a party. On this page, the student parties present themselves.
Student parties
Democratic Students Party – The Hague stands for a university where students have equal opportunities and is against double standards in every form. Like all parties, we value the quality of your education and well-being, but we also know that access and opportunities are not equal across faculties, campuses and student backgrounds. We were the first student party to ensure direct representation of international students in the University Council. DSP has also ensured that both the student community of Campus The Hague and the larger international student community have a seat at the table. Because we believe in "nothing about students, without students". If it's about you, you should be able to have a say.
Among other things, our councillors have achieved a renewed focus on student wellbeing and psychologists in both cities, affordable menstrual products at university, more attention for social safety, more facilities in The Hague and are a critical voice in the discussion about limiting the number of international students.
Because we believe in the value of an international and diverse university, and we do not shy away from being a critical voice for change. Whether this is about links with the fossil fuel industry or being a voice for students impacted by war. We stand for transparent decision-making and a university that takes responsibility. Leiden University should be a place where you feel welcome on campus, where your opinions are heard and where discrimination is not tolerated. DSP: For one university in two cities, that works for all students.
Visit the DSP website for more information.
Your student days are a wonderful time. Especially in our beautiful student city, with its rich student association culture and endless opportunities. As the only liberal student party in Leiden, the LSP wants students to be given more opportunity to develop themselves alongside their studies. We believe that every student is capable of following his or her heart and setting the right priorities, and that the university should stimulate students to make their own choices whenever possible. After all, there’s a good reason why the university’s motto has long been 'Praesidium Libertatis’: Bastion of Liberty.
Visit the LSP website (in Dutch)
De Lijst Vooruitstrevende Studenten (party for progressive students) strives for the creation of a diverse and inclusive university, in all respects. The university should be a place where all students can develop on a personal level, irrespective of their background, nationality or (dis)abilities. This means that the university must focus on supporting students in their education, their well-being and a green university. LVS is there for every student, to build an inclusive university together with its members.
If more is to be expected from students these days, students can also expect more from their university! This is the message that LVS wants to get across in the councils. Therefore we aim for seats on every faculty council and ask our members to be active and professional.
You can find our party’s programme, views and candidates on or contact us to share your ideas via:, Facebook or Instagram.
ONS Leiden is committed to supporting proactive students who want to achieve more during their student days than just completing their studies. Their name translates as ‘Leiden entrepreneurial students’. How does that work in a corona crisis? ONS ensures the availability of student workplaces and is working on better student wellbeing awareness and information in the strategic plan for upcoming years with special attention for the international student.
The university must do more for its international students. This group is often overlooked and insufficiently incorporated into the university community. ONS also strives for a more sustainable university. This is not only good for the environment, but also makes financial sense. We want clear communication concerning the topic of physical education in corona time. The university should provide creative solutions and should more spaces where students can work together in small groups.
You can find our party’s views and candidates on Contact us via Instagram or Facebook.
The Party for Bèta and Medical Students (PBMS) gives LUMC and the Faculty of Science a voice at both university and faculty level. And successfully too! Last year, as the largest party, we accomplished a lot. For example, we made registering for courses easier and got rid of re-confirmation for exams. We have also put the affordability of the USC on the agenda and stand up for students who are active outside their studies, such as entrepreneurs and sports people. But you can't achieve major changes alone at the university. PBMS sits around the table with many groups, from study advisers and faculties, to study and student associations, and gets involved in what’s going on. We are involved in education at all levels, are constructive, and our door is always open to new ideas and initiatives.
For more information, visit our Facebook, Instagram; or send an email to
Decolonise, Decarbonise, Democratise! We're the newest student party in Leiden and our goal is a just and transparent university. We're committed to uplifting marginalised and critical voices in university politics and the academic community at large. You can read our manifesto here and get in touch with us at
The Vrijmoedige Studentenpartij (Freewill Student Party) is the party of academic freedom. At a university, open debate should be the norm. Everyone should be free to explore ideas, ask questions and share opinions - without being frightened of expressing opinions that might be unpopular. The Vrijmoedige Studentenpartij fights for a university in which critical thinking and objective learning are paramount, and in which we dare to question the status quo together. Because only through discussion can we move forward.
With the upcoming austerity measures, there is one thing that absolutely cannot be cut back on: the quality of education and student life. Student associations and university activities are the core of student life. We want to make sure it stays that way. We want to free up funds for study associations and give students a voice in decisions that concern the austerity measures.
We believe that an inclusive university in which everyone flourishes can help us all to advance. For that reason, we make sure no one is left behind.
Join the movement. Follow us on Instagram and visit our website for our views and updates.
The university proudly bears the motto “Praesidium Libertatis” – Bastion of Liberty. So we say 'let's restore that liberty'!