Universiteit Leiden

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PhD Research

General information on PhD research at Leiden University
(including specific information of Leiden Law School on the Training and Supervision Plan (TSP), the Data Management Plan (DMP), and the PhD training).

Procedure leading to public defence

Leiden Law School uses a step-by-step plan that follows the formal procedure towards the public PhD defence. See the procedure leading to the public defence of a PhD thesis at Leiden Law School.

Doctorate on the basis of articles

Leiden Law School has its own policy on obtaining a doctorate on the basis of articles. See here: policy.

Meijers Series

Leiden Law School has its own book series for PhD dissertations (and books resulting from conferences and symposia). More information.


Leiden Law School provides a number of allowances for PhD candidates. More information.

Regulations and guidelines

All regulations and guidelines of Leiden Law School.

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