Codes of conduct
Below you can find an overview of relevant codes of conduct and sources which are used in the ethics assessments.
- Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity
- Responsible Research Data Management and the Prevention of Scientific Misconduct.
- Vertrouwen in Wetenschap (in Dutch, with summary in English)
Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens
- information on the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), including the practical implementation of it.
ALLEA (All European Academies)
Leiden University
Leiden University
European Association of Archaeologists
- The EAA code of practice.
- The EAA principles of conduct for archaeologists involved in contract archaeological work.
- Nagoya protocol for working with genetic materials (Dutch only).
- Code of Ethics by WAC (World Archaeological Congress)
- Code of Ethics by SAA (Society for American Archaeology)
- Code of Ethics and Code of Practice by BABAO (British Association of Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology)
- Ethics policy by CAA (Computer Applications in Archaeology)
- Code of Ethics for Museums by ICOM (International Council of Museums)