The Faculty Board is responsible for the administration of the faculty as a whole and with its management. Its main tasks are to give direction to, coordinate and stimulate the faculty as a whole and the various (research) centres in particular.
Koen Caminada, Sterre Burmeister, Maarja Beerkens and Niels Laurens
Portfolio distribution
Faculty strategy
Overall administrative coordination
Social safety and inclusiveness
Diversity policy
Strategic communication
Research & research profiling
Internationalisation of research
Graduate School, PhD policy
Dual PhD Centre
Centre for Professional Learning
Scientific integrity & ethics
Library: collection development & publication policy
Data management
Security and chair of Decentralised Incidents Team
Housing strategy
External relations
Vice-dean/Portfolio holder education
Faculty strategy education
Regular bachelor's and master's programmes
Advanced and executive master's programmes
Educational quality assurance
Quality resources
Educational innovation
New programmes
Teacher professionalisation/UTQ
Honours track
Minors policy
ICT & Education
Internationalisation of education
Alumni policy
Career preparation and internships
LMS (university project)
Harmonisation of education (university project)
Member of Decentralised Incidents Team
Executive Director
Faculty strategy management and internal organisation
Faculty office
Communication and marketing
Financial and economic affairs/financial policy
Staff planning and budget
Information management
Education and research support processes (including OSC)
Account holder Shared Service Centres
Member of Decentralised Incident Team
Responsible for the input of student interests
Social safety and inclusiveness
Intermediary for students and student groups within the faculty
Student complaint handling
Part of LAssO (Leiden Assessor's Council)
Liaison students Campus The Hague
An assessor is the student member of the faculty board. She represents the interests of the students within the faculty in various areas. The assessor works on projects that are in the interest of the students.
The assessor is the first point of contact for students who have suggestions or complaints about education or student facilities. She is also the contactperson for students who want information about student participation. Additionally, the assessor maintains contacts with study associations and studentorganizations at the university level.