Self-evaluation Report Research 2017 - 2022

Evaluation Committee assesses positively the high quality and strong perspective for the future of the Institute of Psychology
Based on the self-evaluation report 2017-2022 and interviews with a delegation of researchers and staff from the Leiden Institute of Psychology, the committee concluded that the quality of the Institute is very high and in line with the institutes of other universities. In addition, the committee praised the Institute's strong perspectives for the future.
Every six years, the Institute of Psychology evaluates the quality, relevance and viability of its research. This was done last year using the Strategy Evaluation Protocol (SEP) for 2021-2027 established by VSNU, NWO and KNAW. The institute's self-established goals and strategy were leading in this process.
Three criteria for self-evaluation
In the self-evaluation report, we focused on the results of the past six years and ambitions for the coming years using the following three criteria:
Quality of research;
Social relevance of the research;
Viability of the Institute.
Four specific aspects of research
We also described how research will be organised and conducted to realise these ambitions, covering at least four specific aspects:
- Open Science, such as stakeholder involvement, data use, accessibility of publications and other products of the research;
- PhD policy and training, such as programme content, quality assurance, selection, supervision and dropout;
- Academic culture, in terms of openness, safety and inclusiveness and in terms of scientific integrity;
- Talent policy and diversity (gender, age, ethnic and cultural background).
In addition to our own self-evaluation report, we collaborated with the psychology institutes of several other Dutch universities (VU, UVA, OU, UU, RUG, UM, EUR).