Education Committee
Education Committee
Our programmes have a joint Education Committee, composed for the half of students, and half of lecturers. The Education Committee monitors the quality of the programmes and advises the Director of Education and the Dean on this matter. It also functions as a sounding board. Students and staff can make suggestions through this committee, regarding the teaching programme, so please feel free to contact a member of the Education Committee if you have suggestions for improvements.
Contact the Education Committee:
Are you a student and do you have questions or remarks? Then you may also only contact the Education Committee's students:
Meeting dates
- December 20
Members of the Education Committee
Staff members
- Aris Politopoulos (chair)
- Laura Llorente Rodriguez
- Martina Revello Lami
- Alexander Verpoorte
Student members
- Eloise Golding (BA)
- Gijs Thissen (BA)
- Roos Dik (MA)
- Anouk Mommen (MA)