Universiteit Leiden

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Infra & Workspace Services

DevOps teams

The Infra team is responsible for the management and development of the technical infrastructure: network, telephony, servers and storage. The management and development of our private cloud LUCI also falls under the responsibility of this team.

The Workspace team is responsible for the management and development of the university workplace services: the Windows, Mac and Linux workplace, access to MS Office and other applications, e-mail, data storage and external access. 

Project management

Complex and cross-departmental projects can be brought under project management. The ISSC employs a number of permanent project leaders to handle these activities.


Department head (ad interim)

Erik Rietkerk
+31 71 527 6957

Postal address

PO Box 9512
2300 RA Leiden

Visiting address

Snellius Building
Niels Bohrweg 1
2333 CA Leiden
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