Universiteit Leiden

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Office of the Beadle


The Office of the Beadle is responsible for organising PhD defence ceremonies, inaugural lectures and valedictory lectures, and should be contacted for matters relating to PhD defence ceremonies, such as reserving a date.

Position within the University

In organisational terms, the Office of the Beadle is part of the Strategic Communication and Marketing directorate of Leiden University’s Administration and Central Services.

Beadle office employees 

Erick van Zuijlen, head of Beadle office, beadle and custos
Frank Geerlings, beadle
Tineke Schutte, beadle
Rob Vervark, secretary


E-mail pedel@bb.leidenuniv.nl
Tel. 071 527 7211

Postal address


Office of the Beadle
Rapenburg 73
2311 GJ  Leiden

Visiting address Academy Building 
Rapenburg 73 
2311 GJ Leiden 

You can contact the Office of the Beadle for:

PhD ceremonies take place in the Senate Chamber or in the Great Auditorium. The candidate, accompanied by their two assistants (paranymphs) sit opposite the Rector Magnificus and the members of the PhD Committee and Examining Committee and defend their thesis for 45 minutes in the presence of family and friends. Following this, the beadle enters the room and concludes the defence by announcing ‘Hora Est’.

PhD ceremonies can be watched via the livestream.

PhD section of the website

The PhD section on our website contains everything you need to know about organising your PhD ceremony. Here you can read about the PhD track, how to plan your PhD ceremony and the regulations that apply. You will also find important information on the dress code and on changes made to the ceremony proceedings due to the coronavirus.

If you can’t find what you are looking for, please contact the Office of the Beadle. 


You will find comprehensive information on all aspects of an inaugural lecture in the Protocol for Inaugural Lectures (Dutch only), which is available on our website.

The Protocol for Valedictory Lectures (Dutch) contains useful information and tips for organising a valedictory lecture. 

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