Societal Advisory Board
As a sounding board, the Societal Advisory Board can hold up a mirror and allow the 'outside world' to contribute ideas on strategic policy on important themes within the faculty. These could be in such areas as connecting education to labour market needs, public-private cooperation in research, internationalisation and profiling/branding.
The Faculty Board is represented by the Dean, who also chairs the meetings. The advisory board is supported by Management Support.
The advisory board meets twice per year.
The Advisory Board consists of alumni and representatives in a social position in the working field, which gives them special insight and knowledge into the current and future relationship between humanities and society. They represent sectors such as:
- Museum / culture
- Business
- Government
- Non-government
- Police
- Educational institutions
The Advisory Board members provide advice based on their personal expertise, social experience and commitment to the university and society. The Advisory Board operates from an independent position and has no managerial powers.