Universiteit Leiden

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Luris teams

Business Development

Tying opportunities and Leiden possibilities together by:

* early involvement in researchers’ ideas and projects
* supporting for strategic decisions at departmental level
* supporting commercial development
* managing strategic alliances
* managing existing accounts
* identifying and bringing in promising opportunities.

Want to learn more about how Luris connects academics with third parties? Visit our website.

Grant Development (at the moment part of Strategic & Academic Affairs SAZ)

increasing the chances of getting research funding by:

* giving one-to-one advice on the match between the funding opportunity, the researcher’s profile and research ideas
* organising workshops and trainings on the acquisition of research funding
* reviewing proposals and for complex (multistakeholder) projects, coaching researchers through the process of shaping the research proposal
* informing researchers and support staff at Leiden University about research funding opportunities, application processes and developments
* giving strategic advice on funding strategies and related developments.

Learn more about research support at the Research Support Portal>>

Entrepreneurship (part of Libertatis Ergo Holding BV (LEH)

spurring entrepreneurship in the hearts of Leiden academics by: 

* Supporting planning and approval of spin-outs
* supporting the application of Leiden knowledge in start-ups
* managing UNIIQ and Enterprise Leiden Fund

Learn more.

Legal Affairs

The Legal Affairs team reviews, drafts and negotiates research related agreements and gives advice about research collaborations and knowledge exploitation, via:

* reviewing, drafting and negotiating agreements
* giving advice on research collaborations and exploitation of intellectual property and know-how
* preparing and maintaining model contracts, and making these available to researchers via the Luris Contract Tool.

Contact the legals.

Research Project Management Pool

A new university-wide pool for research project management

At Leiden University we are giving post-award project management a boost with the introduction of a university-wide pool of Research Project Managers, that is housed at Luris. The aim is to relieve researchers of the administrative burden that comes with managing externally funded collaborative projects. The flexible capacity in this pool can be used when capacity at the institute level isn’t available. The assistance given by the Project Managers will enable researchers to meet the requirements for funding and increases the chances of getting grants.

Read all about the provided services and the benefits on the Leiden University staff website.

Could your project use a Research Project Manager? Contact Project Leader Dennis Janssen or Luris Director Anouschka Versleijen.

Contact our experts directly here.

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