Universiteit Leiden

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Research fellows

Research at Leiden Law School is organised in research programmes. All researchers at Leiden Law School take part in one of its research programmes and become research fellow.


Newly appointed researchers holding a PhD and recent PhD graduates submit a research plan within three months after being appointed, using the Fellowship Application Form (applicable as of January 2023), to request admission to one (or a maximum of two) research programme(s).

At least twice a year (in June and December) a review round will be organised, in which researchers can be admitted to a research programme. Researchers may also submit the Fellowship Application Form at any other time of the year and can be admitted to a research programme on a rolling basis.

For whom?

  • This Application Form is intended for: newly appointed researchers (Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, Professors, postdoctoral researchers); and recent PhD graduates (Assistant Professors, postdoctoral researchers).
  • The Application Form can also be used by current researchers, already registered in a research programme, who wish to change programme(s) or take part in a second programme; and those researchers who need to reapply after a suspension of their enrolment in a research programme.
  • The Application Form is not intended for PhD candidates or teaching-only staff. PhD candidates belong to the research programme of their supervisor, but do not become fellow.

Current fellows do not need to reapply and will be reappointed in the same research programme (unless they wish to change programmes).

Research Assessment Framework (RAF)

Research fellows are subject to the Research Assessment Framework (RAF) of Leiden Law School. The RAF sets out the guidelines and procedures for the publication standard and assessment of research output by individual researchers during a multi-year period.

The RAF applies to any member of academic staff within Leiden Law School holding a PhD whose employment status includes research responsibilities. As such, it applies to assistant professors/lecturers (UDs), postdoctoral researchers, associate professors/senior lecturers (UHDs), and full professors.

The Research Assessment Framework (RAF) Guidelines 2023-2026 are applicable as of January 2023, in view of the research assessment that will take place at the start of 2027, comprising the 4-year period 2023-2026.

The research assessment is made on the basis of your research output as registered in the university research output database LUCRIS. It is essential to keep your research output in this database up-to-date. LUCRIS is also used to generate the overview of publications as part of your university profile page.


If you have any questions and/or requests for revisions in LUCRIS, please contact our helpdesk.

For other questions, please send an e-mail to the Department of Research of Leiden Law School.

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