Universiteit Leiden

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Language buddy

Members of participation bodies can be supported in their work by a language buddy. A language buddy is someone who can help board/council members to understand and speak the language used during meetings (usually Dutch). This may be another board/council member or a student or University employee.

What can a language buddy do?

A language buddy can do the following:

  • Type in real-time during a meeting and translate what is being said into English
  • Translate and summarise documents and help the non-Dutch-speaking member understand documents in preparation for meetings
  • Provide support during meetings by interpreting or providing explanations
  • Provide support in formulating questions or comments

What knowledge and skills does a language buddy need?

A language buddy must have the following skills:

  • Good command of Dutch and the board/council member’s native language, or English
  • Good understanding of the material and culture of participation bodies
  • Good communication and social skills
  • A flexible and patient attitude

How to find a language buddy

  1. Advertise among students in the faculty: You can find a language buddy by placing an advertisement in a digital newsletter or another communication channel used at the faculty. The selected student can then be seconded via JobMotion, Leiden University’s internal secondment agency.
  2. Hire a language buddy via JobMotion: For hiring a language buddy, you can also use the services of JobMotion. This agency can handle the recruitment of a student for the role of language buddy.

Are language buddies compensated for their work?

Language buddies receive compensation for their work. The amount depends on the extent and duration of the support provided. A language buddy can also follow a course to improve their language skills to the desired level.

The budget of faculty participation bodies can be used (in consultation with the Faculty Board) to hire a language buddy. Compensation takes place via a payroll agreement with JobMotion.

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