Universiteit Leiden

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Faculty Councils

After the University Council, the Faculty Council is the second highest staff and student body at the University. It acts as an intermediary between the various departments of a faculty. The Faculty Council has the right to approve and advise on various matters concerning the faculty. It also represents students and staff and is a sounding board for the Faculty Board. 

There are seven Faculty Councils:

The faculty councils are composed of student and staff members. Staff members are elected for a term of two years, and students for one year. 

Faculty Council meetings

The board and council of a faculty meet every six weeks. These meetings are public. They follow an agenda that the board and council have drawn up in collaboration.

The Faculty Council discusses such matters as teaching, the bachelor’s-master's system, HRM and the budget. The topics on the agenda are prescribed by regulations or the law, or suggested by the Faculty Board or the Faculty Council itself. Permanent and special advisory boards advise the Faculty Council on these topics. 


Leiden University has two election systems:

  • the list system for the Faculties of Humanities (student members), Law, Social and Behavioural Sciences (student members), and Science. In this system a vote is given to one candidate on a list (party). This is comparable with elections to the Dutch House of Representatives or the municipality.
  • the candidate system for the Faculties of Archaeology, Governance and Global Affairs, Humanities (staff members), Social and Behavioural Sciences (staff members) and the Student Council of the LUMC. Here individuals stand as candidates in their own name. The voter votes for one candidate, but can also indicate a preferred sequence for the other candidates. When the votes are counted this vote can be transferred in part or in full to other candidates according to the indicated sequence.

In faculties with a candidate system, the candidates may be a member of a party; this is indicated after their name. 


If you have any questions or comments or wish to discuss a matter in person, please contact the members of your Faculty Council.

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