Universiteit Leiden

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Media Technology (MSc)

Contacts for the master's programme Media Technology.

General contacts  
Director of education Dr. M. van Leeuwen
Education coordinator L.P.C. van Erp-van Genderen
Study Adviser S.N. van der Valk 
Board of Examiners
Prof. dr. S. Verberne (chair)
Dr. H. Basold

Dr. D.M. Pelt

Dr. Y. Fan
Dr. A.N. van Der Meulen
Dr. E. Rosu (external member)
Secretary: Veerle WarndersSandra Meddeler and Marloes van der Nat
E-mail: boardofexaminers@liacs.leidenuniv.nl
Education Committee
Dr. M.S. Lew (chair)
Dr. Rob Saunders
Dr. E. M. Bakker
Marielle Tijmensen (Secretary)
Student members
Finnegan Buck
Stijn Boere

Lily Kientz


Board of Admissions

Dr. ir. T.P. Stefanov (voorzitter)
Prof.dr.ir. F.J. Verbeek
Dr. B.J.C. van Werkhoven
Dr. M.H. Lamers
Prof.dr. J.M.W. Visser
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