Universiteit Leiden

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Governance of Sustainability (MSc)

Contacts for the master's programme Governance of Sustainability (MSc).

General contacts  
Director of education Alexander van Oudenhoven
Education coordinator Sammy Koning and Lieselotte van Dijk
Study Adviser Sammy Koning and Lieselotte van Dijk


Board of Examiners
Dr. ir. M.D. Visser (chair)
Dr. G.H. Greenstein
Prof.dr.ir. P.M. van Bodegom
Dr. J.A.M.M. Jansen (external member)

Secretary: Drs. P.J.M. van den BergM.A.M. Zwetsloot MSc 
E-mail: BoE-GofS@cml.leidenuniv.nl

Programme Committee
Dr. H. Ward (chair)
Dr. S.H. Barmentlo
Dr. E.V. Bondarouk
Student members
E.E.H.A. Knepper (vice-chair)
I. Ribeiro Rijo
M.P.R. Léger 

Contact: Hauke Ward
E-mail: gofs@cml.leidenuniv.nl 

Board of Admissions
Dr. A.P.E. van Oudenhoven
Dr. G.E. Breeman
Dr. Roy Remme

Contact: Sammy Koning and Lieselotte van Dijk
E-mail: studyadvisor-gofs@cml.leidenuniv.nl  


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