Universiteit Leiden

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Employee Council LLInC

As the Employee Council of LLInC, we represent the interests of all LLInC staff. We monitor issues such as employee wellbeing and workload, and we review important documents such as budgets and business plans.  

On all topics which cross our plates we use the views and feedback of LLInC employees to give advice to the Management Team and to take initiatives to improve the working environment. 

Examples of our work so far include: 

  • Making improvements to lactation rooms; 
  • Initiating a brainstorming on improving connections between colleagues; 
  • Starting a support group for working parents. 

We send updates on our work in a monthly newsletter to all LLInC employees. 

Our aim is to make a more vibrant, resilient workplace for everyone who works at LLInC! Our efforts to strengthen a human-centered culture are, of course, done not only by the Dienstraad members but in collaboration with LLInC staff. 


As of 1 September 2023, the members are:

Name Role
Tanja de Bie


Bing Tang General member 
Marjoleine Vermeulen-Rinner General member


  1. Send an email. Our address is dienstraad@llinc.leidenuniv.nl 
  2. Join a monthly Open Office session. Watch your email and Teams channels for invites and reminders when sessions are coming up. 
  3. Approach a Dienstraad member directly. We’re here to listen. 
  4. Post in the “Talk to Dienstraad” channel on Teams. This is a safe space where LLInC staff can flag concerns and we can follow up with an in-person discussion if needed. 
  5. Pulse survey. Every quarter we send all LLInC staff a short, anonymous survey. The topics vary, depending on what needs attention at the time.  

Other resources 

Our work deals mainly with collective issues affecting employees. We don’t handle issues such as individual disputes with colleagues or questions about the labour agreement (CAO). When we can’t help directly, we will refer you to other resources such as advice and counselling for workplace issues and the unions. 

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