Universiteit Leiden

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The University Council consists of sixteen members and also has a chairperson and a registrar.

Pauline Vincenten

Chair and registrar

Pauline Vincenten is the chair of the University Council. The duties comprise of coordinating the Council’s work and preparing and chairing Council meetings and its meetings with the Executive Board. If you want to contact the University Council you can send an email to ur@leidenuniv.nl.

Staff section

The staff section of the University Council consists of eight employees of Leiden University. Elections for the staff sections are held every two years.

Leden/ Members Partij/ Party
Tahmina Fariaby PhDoc
Véronique de Gucht LAG
Agur Sevink  Universitair Belang
Timothy de Zeeuw LAG
Mark Dechesne LAG
Marie Kolbenstetter PhDoc
Joost Augusteijn LAG
Floske Spieksma  Universitair Belang

Student section

De student section consists of eight students of Leiden University. Elections for the student sections are held every year.

Leden/ Members Partij/ Party
Anastacia Peters  PBMS
Femke Spaargaren PBMS
Bas Knapp LSP
Anna van der Spek DSP-SC
Sami Katkhouda DSP-SC
Jasmijn Loggers PBMS
Friso Croon Boucher ONS
Michel Vermeer DSP-SC
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