Universiteit Leiden

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Research Committee

The Research Committee advises the Institute board on all subjects concerning research and helps with monitoring the research quality.


The Research Committee gives solicited and unsolicited advice to the Institute board  with regards to the policy and vision and strategy concerning research. Moreover the committee evaluates the Training and Supervision plans of PhD candidates to assure the quality of the PhD programme. The Research Committee initiates research related activities and evaluates and plays an advisory role in internal research applications, preselection for research grants and thematic research awards. Finally, the Research Committee evaluates research proposal concerning basic (f)MRI research on suitability and quality and provides accompanying letters for METC applications.

A more extensive description of the tasks and procedures of the Research Committee can be found in the regulations of the institute and the complementary regulations.


For more information on the PhD trajectories, Good Practices and guidelines, and/or the cover letter for METC applications, please click on the links below.

Trainings and Supervision Plan (T&S Plan)

The Training and Supervision Plan (Opleidings- en Begeleidingsplan; OBP in Dutch) of every PhD candidate must be submitted  by the PhD supervisor for evaluation by the Research Committee through email using the most recent PhD Training & Supervision Plan format. Following the approval of the research proposal, the approval letter must be uploaded and approved by the supervisor in LUCRIS GSM Module. This process has to be completed within the three months following the start of the PhD trajectory.

The PhD candidate only has to upload the approved Training & Supervision Plan to LUCRIS GSM Module (see the FSW Graduate School website). This process has to be completed within three months following the start of the PhD trajectory.

Evaluationprocedure T&S Plan

It is possible that the proposal needs to be revised before it can be approved. Externally funded proposals that have already been ‘peer-reviewed’ will receive a ‘light’ assessment by the committee based on the following criteria: embedding, feasibility, data storage, and training plan. All other proposals are also evaluated on research quality.

Submission deadlines and procedures for every PhD track

Different deadlines apply for the submission of the T&S Plans depending on the type of PhD track. Deadlines and procedures for the different PhD tracks are detailed below for promotors and PhD candidates.

1st, 2nd, 3rd , 4th source of funding
The PhD candidates have to submit their Training and Supervison Plan for evaluation by the Research Committee within three months following the start of of their PhD trajectory.

Pdf to 1-4 PhD Infographic

External PhD candidates
External PhD candidates first have to submit their Training and Supervision Plan for evaluation to the Research Committee. Only after approval of the T&S Plan, they can register for the Graduate School FSW.

Pdf to external PhD Infographic

CSC grant
The China Scholarship Council (CSC) provides scholarships for outstanding Chinese master's students, recent graduates and young (academic) professionals who want to do a full-time PhD programme at Leiden University. For the date of the current deadline for submission of a Training and Supervision Plan for a CSC grant, contact GS-Office@fsw.leidenuniv.nl.

Pdf to CSC grant infographic

Research Data Management

All PhD candidates are obligated to write a Data Management Plan (DMP) within six months following the start of their trajectory. They can use this template to prepare for the mandatory data management training. For any advice on writing and submission of the Data Management Plan, the PhD candidates can reach out to the datastewards. The Open Science page offers more information about guidelines concerning data management.


All PhD candidates who started in 2019 and onwards are invited to participate in the mentoring programme of the Institute of Psychology. The programme consist of at least five meetings with a mentor. The meetings aim to monitor the progress and improve the wellbeing of the PhD candidate. When the PhD candidate is registered at the Graduate School FSW, they will automatically be approached by the Institute of Psychology. Currently, the six mentors are:

Pdf to mentoring programme Infographic

Institute of Psychology

Guidelines for PhD candidates

Two important guidelines for PhD candidates:

Good Practises and guidelines for all staff

Moreover, there are guidelines and good practices for all the employees of the Institute of Psychology. They can be found on the webpage with Good Practices      

The Research Committee can provide an accompanying letter for non-basic (f)MRI studies that needs to be submitted to the METC. Also for all other submissions to the METC, an accompanying letter can be provided by the Research Committee. To request an accompanying letter, the researcher can email the Research Committee and include the METC protocol. The procedure concerning the internal evaluation of basic (f)MRI studies can be found on the webpage of the Psychology Research Ethics Committee.

Evaluation procedure cover letter for METC application

The secretary of the Research Committee sends the submission to one of its members for evaluation. The committee evaluates the proposal with regard to content and fit with the research that is conducted within the Institute of Psychology. If the committee approves the proposal, a letter for the METC will be provided stating that the research fits the research programme of the Institute of Psychologie. If the Research Committee has additional advice with regard to the proposal, the researcher will receive this advice in an additional email or letter. If the proposal is not approved, the request for an accompanying letter will be rejected.


Secretary Research Committee, 
Institute of Psychology
Leiden University
PO Box 9555


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