Universiteit Leiden

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Leiden Law PhD Community (LLPC)

Mission statement

The Leiden Law PhD Community (LLPC) consists of all PhD candidates of Leiden Law School (employed or external). Through the organization of social events, we aim to create a welcoming community for PhD candidates and encourage them to connect with other PhD candidates across Leiden Law School. PhD candidates are automatically part of the community and can join all organized events. The LLPC is an open, inclusive environment, specifically aiming to include international and interdisciplinary candidates.

The LLPC consists of the following bodies:

The PhD Committee

The PhD Committee is the organizational body of the LLPC. The Committee is run by a rotating group of PhD candidates who are committed to providing a dynamic, social and friendly community for all PhD candidates.

The PhD Committee organizes monthly and annual events to promote community building and interdisciplinary dialogue. In organizing these events, we aim to obtain a balance between social activities and informative events. They include: an annual dinner at the beginning of the academic year (to welcome all new PhD candidates); an annual gala (traditionally with a theme, and live music and/or a DJ); monthly events, such as PhD drinks, ice skating, our valentine’s law & love pub quiz, barbecues, boat trips, and informal informative meetings for internationals on topics related to Dutch society (e.g. Kingsday, election night).

The PhD Committee also acts as a link between the PhD community and the PhD Representative of Leiden Law School. We meet regularly with the PhD Representative to discuss PhD related issues. On an occasional basis we organize career-related events in cooperation with the PhD Representative and/or the Graduate School of Legal Studies.

This academic year (2023/24) the PhD Committee includes: Joyce Esser (Public Law), Floor Veldhuis (Private Law), Hester De Boer (Criminology), Elisabeth Groeneveld (Criminology), Mojdeh Kobari (Criminal Law), Emre Acar (Public International Law), Joris van de Riet (Jurisprudence) and Eva Polman (Jurisprudence).

Questions, ideas or interested in joining the PhD Committee? Please contact: Floor Veldhuis (a.f.veldhuis@law.leidenuniv.nl) or Joyce Esser (j.e.esser@law.leidenuniv.nl).

PhD Representative

The PhD Representative represent the interests of the LLPC in matters relating to the entire PhD trajectory and beyond, attends the monthly meetings of the Research Board (OZB) of Leiden Law School, and is regularly in contact with the different departments to gather input on any PhD-related issues. 

Currently, the PhD Representative is Tim Lubbers (Legal History).

Questions? Please contact Tim Lubbers (t.lubbers@law.leidenuniv.nl)

Whatsapp Community

The LLPC has an informal Whatsapp Community for PhD candidates. This Whatsapp Community is used to inform PhD candidates about upcoming events organized by the PhD Committee. It also allows PhD candidates to advertise and organize events of their own.

To join this Whatsapp Community, please contact: Floor Veldhuis (a.f.veldhuis@law.leidenuniv.nl) or Joyce Esser (j.e.esser@law.leidenuniv.nl)

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